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Trianel Gasspeicher Epe starts tender process for storage year 2019/2020

Tender process for 210 GWh starts

12.09.2018. Aachen, Epe. Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co. KG (TGE) starts a new tender process for storage capacities for the storage year 2019/2020. In the now upcoming tender process the working gas volume is in total 210 GWh on an interruptible basis. With this tender process TGE doubles this year’s marketing volume to 600 GWh compared to the past tender processes.


“In the current market conditions an early start of the “financial” storage optimisation, i.e. well ahead of the start of physical injections, gains in importance” tells Mr. Carsten Haack, managing director TGE. “In order to meet the market demands our storage customers have, like predictability and flexibility, we start the tender process for the storage year 2019/2020 before autumn.”


In the oncoming tender process a total of six bundles with a working gas volume of 35 GWh each is offered for the storage year 2019/2020. The term begins on 1 April 2019 and ends on 1 April 2020. The total injection capacity is 200 MW for each bundle with a withdrawal capacity of 400 MW.


The tender process takes place in two auditions with three bundles each (105 GWh): The first tender process starts on 12 September 2018 and ends on 27 September 11:00 (CET). The bundles of this auction will be interrupted subordinated to the bundles of the second auction which will end on 27 September 2018 at 15:00 (CET).


For a detailed description of the tender process and the storage products and sample contract documents, visit TGE’s website:


Since 2008, TGE has operated a natural gas storage facility consisting of four salt caverns in Gronau/Epe (Westphalia), with a working gas volume of 195 million cubic metres. It is one of the fastest storage facilities in Germany which is owned by 16 municipal utilities and semi-public shareholders.


Maik Hünefeld, Press Officer Generation Phone +49 241 413 20-282 | Mobile +49 151 140 89 0 39 | Email


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