
Annual and Sustainability Report 2023

We continue to develop the new energy world


Publishing details

Trianel GmbH
Krefelder Straße 203
52070 Aachen
Phone: +49 (0)241 41320-0
Fax +49 (0)241 41320-300

Managing Directors: 
Sven Becker
Dr Oliver Runte
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dietmar Spohn

Registration court: Aachen District Court
Commercial register no.: HRB 7729
VAT ID per Section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (UStG): DE203160841

Responsible for content under Section 55 (2) of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):
Frank Neubauer
Head of Sales and Marketing
Trianel GmbH
Krefelder Strasse 203
52070 Aachen

Cross-references and links

In its judgement on12 May 1998 (case number 312 O 85/98), the District Court of Hamburg ruled that a provider that refers to third-party websites by means of a link or hyperlink (hereinafter ‘Link’) is jointly responsible for the content of that website. The ruling stated that this can only be prevented if a provider expressly distances itself from the content of the linked websites. The provider can then only be held liable for direct or indirect Links to third-party websites that are beyond the control of the provider if the provider was aware of illegal content and it would have been technically feasible and reasonable for the provider to prevent use of the website. The provider hereby expressly states that when the Links were created to the websites, the websites were free from illegal content. Furthermore, the provider states that it has absolutely no influence over the current and future design or content of the linked websites. Therefore, the provider expressly distances itself from all content on all websites to which its website contains Links that has been changed after the Links were created, and claims no responsibility for such content. This applies to all Links and references on the website of the provider as well as to third-party contributions on forums etc. hosted by the provider. The provider of the target website is liable for any illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and especially for all damage resulting from the use or non-use of such information; not the party that merely referred to the information via Links.


Picture credits

Picture credits

© Trianel GmbH
© Edvard Krikourian
© Angela Rohde/AdobeStock
© m.mphoto/AdobeStock
© Arasch Rasoolzadeh
© spainter_vfx/AdobeStock
© Jorg Greuel/ Getty Images
© sturti/iStock
© Trianel GmbH/ Dirk Moll
© RICOWde/Getty Images
© Classen Rafael / EyeEm/Getty Images
© shinychunks/ Unsplash
© Nilang Kachare/ GettyImages
© Günther Goldstein
© Matthias Ibeler
© Trianel GmbH/ Onno Brandis