Facts and figures
Over 50 municipal shareholders have adopted the Trianel idea. Over 100 municipal utilities are associated with Trianel via subsidiaries and participating interests as well as association agreements. The performance of each individual member strengthens our cooperation for the benefit of all participants.
Joint power stations of municipal utilities and Trianel

Trianel Erneuerbare Energien GmbH & Co. KG
The company is focused on the planning, development, erection and operation of plants for generating electricity from renewable energy sources.Trianel Erneuerbare Energien GmbH & Co. KG focuses on attractive onshore wind projects and free-standing PV projects in Germany.

Trianel Energieprojekte GmbH & Co. KG
Trianel Energieprojekte GmbH & Co. KG founded in 2018 pools the onshore wind and photovoltaics project activities of Trianel GmbH.

Trianel Onshore Windkraftwerke GmbH & Co. KG
The company is focused on the planning, development, erection and operation of plants in Germany for generating electricity from renewable energy sources and also participates in German-based associations and companies operating renewable energy power generation plants in Germany. Trianel Onshore Windkraftwerke GmbH & Co. KG already participates in a number of wind farms.

Trianel Wind und Solar GmbH & Co. KG
The company is focused on the planning, development, erection and operation of plants for generating electricity from renewable energy sources. Trianel Wind und Solar GmbH & Co. KG focuses on attractive onshore wind projects and free-standing PV projects in Germany.

Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum GmbH & Co. KG
Trianel wind farm Borkum is the first purely municipal offshore wind farm in Europe. The project comprises the planning, construction and operation of a 56 km² wind farm. 40 Areva Wind M5000 wind turbines with a total capacity of 200 MW started operation in the first expansion phase in the summer of 2015. 40 systems are planned for the second expansion phase.

Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum II GmbH & Co. KG
Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum GmbH & Co. KG is a joint venture of Trianel and EWE. The goal of the joint venture is the collaborative development of the second expansion phase of the Trianel wind farm Borkum. The offshore project comprises the planning, construction and operation of an additional 200 MW, around 45 kilometres off the coast of the North Sea island of Borkum.

Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co. KG
Since 2008, Trianel Gasspeicher Epe GmbH & Co. KG has operated a natural gas storage facility consisting of four caverns in the Gronau district of Epe (Westphalia), with a working gas volume of 204 million m³. The volume of gas stored in this facility is enough to supply over 300,000 modern single family homes with gas for an entire year.

Trianel Gaskraftwerk Hamm GmbH & Co. KG
The gas and steam turbine power plant at Hamm-Uentrop was the first purely municipal project for cooperative power generation nationwide. The plant with two power station blocks, each producing 425 megawatts, was connected to the grid in 2007 and can generate electricity for 1.8 million households. With an electrical efficiency of over 57.5%, the power plant is especially environmentally-friendly and more than satisfies all requirements of the 13th Regulation Implementing the German Federal Immission Control Act.

Trianel Kohlekraftwerk Lünen GmbH & Co. KG
As the first of a new generation of power stations, the Trianel hard coal-fired power station at Lüner Stummhafen went online in autumn of 2013. With an efficiency of 45.95%, the Trianel Kohlekraftwerk Lünen is currently the most efficient and cleanest hard coal-fired power station in Europe. The 750 megawatt block can supply around 1.6 million homes with electricity.